Travel to Andasibe

We were met at the airport by our driver (Lulu) and guide (Alain),and had about a four hour drive from Antananarivo to Eulophelia Lodge, located in a private reserve, and near the Andasibe-Mantadia National Park.

Driving out of Antananarivo, we saw brick-making operations, laundry washing in the main river, and lots of rice fields. (Rice is the main staple of Madagascar.)

We arrived at our destination.

Eulophelia Lodge
It was a very large bungalow for the two of us. Power was on for an hour in the morning, and from 6 PM – 10 PM in the evening. We enjoyed sitting on the balcony, reading, and watching birds.

We had an hour or so to relax, and then set out on a night walk though the nature reserve around the lodge.

We saw some lemurs, chameleons, sleeping birds, frogs, and more.

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