South Pantanal Lodge – day 2 continued

We boated down the river a little. The boatman had some fish, which he tossed to the birds.You can see a hawk, a kiskadee, and and kingfisher watching

We eventually reached the end of the river,  turned around and motored back in time for the ocelot viewing.

Only two of us from our tour, and two others were there this time, so it was a much smaller crowd. (The birders were looking for owls.) The actors were the same, but the plot was a little different.

This time, the ocelot came first and ate the first serving of food.

He then disappeared, and the guy went out and put out more food on the log.The fox showed up to eat some scraps.

Then the ocelot sat in the back for about five minutes, just waiting.

Finally he went into the log and ate some more. The fox showed up then. He stood center stage, even as we left.

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