Sunday, we drove 2 hours south to Seward and got on a 4 hour boat tour of Resurrection Bay. Didn’t see any whales, and the pictures (from the disposable camera) didn’t come out great, but we saw some cool stuff:
Two minutes out, we saw a Bald Eagle sitting on a piling (or something). Note the cruise ship in the background. Seward is a major destination for them.
The weather was not as good as it had been yesterday.
Near the end, a pod of Harbor Porpoises swam alongside our boat.
On the way out of Seward, we stopped by a nearby glacier. Just missed seeing a bear, we were told.
On Monday, we had time to visit a nearby bird sanctuary (didn’t see any rare birds, but there were Swallows and Artic Terns flying around).
We drove as far up Flathead mountain, which is in Anchorage, to get a beautiful view of the city. That picture didn’t turn out very good, but this is a view the other way.
I then flew home. Rachel gets to stay longer, and will probably have some really good pictures later.