On the River – Day 1, continued

She started swimming across the river. The boats tried to get out of her way, but she turned around and started swimming down river. All the boats followed.

She swam past the sleeping jaguar and hauled herself out and was hidden by branches. Someone said she the was digging, but we couldn’t see it. With no action happening, we headed away to find  other stuff.

But we soon turned around and went back. Two giant otters had shown up and were very upset. They circled, spy-hopped, and chirped at her.

We could see a hole behind her – our guide said it was probably their den. She got agitated,

and they backed off.

She dug some more and went into the den. (We sort of expected her to come out with a baby otter, but she didn’t.) Then she wandered down the bank, over a ledge, and disappeared.

Back to the sleeping jaguar. He woke up and yawned.

And then he wandered away, so we moved on, and headed back to the lodge for lunch. We had a few hours there, then headed back on the river at 3:00.

Black Skimmer
Ringed Kingfisher

Near the end of the day, we heard about another jaguar.

Raul said the reason why he had a collar is because he had been relocated from an area where there had been a fire, so he was part of a study.

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