More Denali

The next day, Sheila did go on her flight-seeing tour (it was another clear day.) I went back to the park and hung around the entrance area.

Red squirrel, eating a mushroom. The ranger told us what kind of mushroom they like, but I forgot what it was.
I joined a ranger walk to Horseshoe Lake

Later, Sheila rejoined me, and we went for a walk on the Savage River Alpine Trail (one of the few official trails in the park, and the longest – 4 miles.)

We met several people coming down who said they saw a Lynx hanging out just around the corner!

PicaI quietly approached, but only saw pica and ground squirrels. I spent a long time at the top looking.

It was a steep trail, but gave us good views

We didn’t do the entire trail, just enough to get some views. We came down and walked along Savage River.

We went back to our inn, and enjoyed the last night.

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