April 17 – 18 Canton

Canton – a big industrial city. Very active – usual Chinese hustle and bustle. After lunch we toured a real ivory carving factory. Very disturbing – working, conditions seemed horrible – crowded, ivory dust, dull detailed work hour after hour. I don’t believe it is proper to kill elephants for the tusks.

We were in the White Cloud Hotel – a big high rise – good food (again) and pleasant accommodations.

17 April – Canton

The is all being written a bit later – at the Anchorage airport waiting for the final flight to Seattle.

2 events on the morning agenda – porcelain factory and Buddhist temple. The factory was better than the ivory manufacturing one – better working conditions (the factory was new) but the workers still spent tedious hours doing very dull, but fine, work – and making junk – little pandas, figurines and animals that sell for a few yuan.

Then on to a very old Buddhist temple – interesting, historically – today it is a museum, although freedom of religion is guaranteed in China, not many are religious.

After lunch to the Canton Fair – very big building displaying all kinds of goods and lots of keepers.

Evening April 17 – Group Discussion

This is an expression of the group of their “China Experience.” After dinner on our last evening in China we decided to have a group discussion of sorts of what it all meant to each of us.

The Thomsons are to begin with what has changed and what is unchanging.

Nancy: left China in 1937 – overall … by 100% betterment of lives of masses of China. Before sickness, disease, sore, etc. – totally eliminated. A joy to return to China – came back with trepidation – wonderful

3 changes: 1 – smell – before stench, 2 – no yelling by drivers, 3 – pandas.

Sydney: changed most – Jim T. Growing up constantly bothered – those hungry from flood and drought…poverty – hunger – sickness – housing – clothing. Today hope and promise for children. Anxiety – place for …? And questioning.

Not changed – friendliness and generosity and openness.

John: Home twice – 1945 in Navy. Chinese equal speaking to equal – not subservient to ?

Change – change by technology even progress, optimism of those who were banished by Gang of 4, dedicated to future of China.

Jim: left Canton April 1949. Dead bodies, VD, opium people – appalling society. Result of very bad history. Japan 1931 – 1945 is equally impossible.

Last year – new plan and floor placed on society. Authoritarianism streak but based on long history – but today is loosening – much since last year.

Things moved very fast in last 1 ½ years – but not Peking – cold and gray – members of our group told what they were not prepared for – everything from joy of people to early morning travels to cheerfulness of people, to love of children – tiny hotels in Peking and not elsewhere – freedom to go about and photograph and warmth and friendliness of people – things changed rapidly in Canton in 3 years – good nutrition – what is in present system that can prevent another Cultural Revolution? Surprise at discipline of kids i.e. good and bad – Chinese people laugh at some things we do – people not ravaged, but fall of vitality and confidence – strong women’s liberalism movement. China will make it in agriculture egalitarianism has given dignity to the people. Beauty of gardens, etc. and smiles of people. The damage done by the Cultural Revolution – personal safety of people and property – China know so little about us – future is …? – no experience of 6000 years of culture (?)

Gabriella: visited now 4 times; changing very fast now. Hope not too fast i.e. bill boards and traffic jams.

Professor Li: we want advice (fellow graduate of class of 29 from MIT of ….?) – lots to learn

Mrs. Lu: since 1935, about 4 or so. Friendly group – very cooperative

Mr. Liu: wanted to do more. After a few years will see a better new China.

Mrs. L: can (?) Gang of Four repeat? Majority suffered a lot – including Chou (old revolutionary) under house arrest. Red Brigade initiated by Gang of 4 – to prevent reoccurred stipulating new laws – criminal back – most important = correct line by party – everything tested by practice. 1950’s practical democracy between masses and now gradually being restored and freedom of speech coming back – only up to overthrow of ..?

Doubts expressed about future where well paid will create new class a la Russia.

Younger generation so shattered by cultural revolution today want stability – Tak Oka (??)

Mary’s writing Do Americans find Chinese intellectuals’ faith increduals (?) because we have always had the freedom to move within or to leave our country if life were so bad? Did Americans leave USA when McCarthy was at his peak?

April 18 – Canton

Today we leave China after 15 days. Took the train to Hong Kong – what a contrast – highways, cars, high rises, all over the place. Many Chinese try to get into Hong Kong from the mainland – they are voting with their feet – although I’m not sure why. Hong Kong is so expensive. Also we stayed at the Peninsula Hotel, which is one of the last hangouts of colonialism.

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